The Beelonging Company

The Beelonging Company

Brought a vision to life for a local client working to sell more self-help books and build a community to empower women.

Brought a vision to life for a local client working to sell more self-help books and build a community to empower women.




The Beelonging Company is an organization created by Kaylie Lynn Miller. She is an author with a passion for building women up and bringing them together. My team and I partnered with Kaylie to help her 1) sell more books and 2) grow her community that she hopes expands into a subscription model.

Role - Group Project
Role -
Group Project

Ana Marrero - UX Researcher
Maria Fernandez - UX Researcher
Nancy King - UX Analyst
Myself - Project Manager, UI Designer, Interaction Designer

47, M
participants engagedwith self-love content refularly

The survey consisted of 19 questions, and we received 86 responses. The main goal of the survey was to get insights about how our user feels and interacts with their self-love journey and what information helps our user decide to purchase a self-help book.


Getting to know the problem

Client Kickoff Meeting

Kaylie is a very fun, vibrant individual with big dreams for the world. She shared with us that she really wanted her personality to shine through in her website. She mentioned things like cheetah print, glitter, and hot pink. Kaylie admitted that despite her passion for the loud and playful style, the website she created on her own was either too dull and boring or way too over the top and tacky.


We conducted 5 interviews each consisting of 16 questions. The main goal of these interviews was to get insights about how the 18-25 age group interacts with self-love content and how they perceive checkout flows in general.

18, F
20, F
20, F
21, F
24, F
Benefits of Focusing on Self-Love
Benefits of Focusing on Self-Love
Survey Data
47, M
participants engagedwith self-love content refularly

The survey consisted of 19 questions, and we received 86 responses. The main goal of the survey was to get insights about how our user feels and interacts with their self-love journey and what information helps our user decide to purchase a self-help book.

A Focus Shift

Although it was insightful to learn about Kaylie's clientele, we realized it wasn't going to be as impactful as focusing our attention on the practical uses. Therefore, we shifted our focus to the execution of valuable deliverables.

Finding a Solution
How Might We…

How might we represent Kaylie's fun style while still keeping it professional and inspiration?

How might we encourage book sales and also grow a community to empower women?

Important elements to help increase book sales:
• written reviews
• a book summary
• the author’s story

We need to offer multiple forms of payment at checkout.

We conducted 5 interviews each consisting of 16 questions. The main goal of these interviews was to get insights about how the 18-25 age group interacts with self-love content and how they perceive checkout flows in general.

23, M
47, M
23, F
24, F
24, F
A Focus Shift

Although it was insightful to learn about Kaylie's clientele, we realized it wasn't going to be as impactful as focusing our attention on the practical uses. Therefore, we shifted our focus to the execution of valuable deliverables.


Getting to know the problem


Kaylie's website doesn't communicate her personality or help her reach her goals of selling her self-help books and developing a community for young women to accept themselves.

User Summary

Our user is:

  • an avid reader

  • in a season of transition

  • eager to find a community

  • intentional about growth

  • intrigued by improving self-love practices

Defining the User

A playful, inspiring website with an easy-to-navigate store page and checkout flow that encourages users to join the community of young women, where transformation and acceptance happens.


Increased the rate of efficiency by 23 seconds after implementing usability feedback.


Kaylie's website doesn't communicate her personality or help her reach her goals of selling her self-help books and developing a community for young women to accept themselves.

Finding a Solution
User Path


Getting to know the user & finding a solution

Purchase a Book

Our ultimate goal was to help Kaylie sell more books and build a community. We centered our design around this concept by offering users two main ways to purchase books:

1. Going directly to the store page via the navigation bar

2. Using the CTA button on the homepage

Finding a Solution
How Might We…

How might we represent Kaylie's fun style while still keeping it professional and inspiration?

How might we encourage book sales and also grow a community to empower women?

Value Proposition

We are developing a website for the Beelonging Company to help increase book sales and build a strong community of self-love enthusiasts.

We’re better because our design fosters a high-energy yet comfortable and inclusive space for all to join and contribute to.

We’re believable because the overall design and feel of the site is representative of Kaylie Miller, a bright, bold, generous, and passionate leader.

Competitor Analysis

There are many competitors within the self-help/self-love community. There are even more competitors in the book industry overall. What the Beelonging Company provides that other competitors do not is:

  • growth content

  • books for sale

  • on-site checkout

  • community events


Getting to know the user & finding a solution

Defining the User
Defining the User
User Path
User Summary

Our user is:

  • an avid reader

  • in a season of transition

  • eager to find a community

  • intentional about growth

  • intrigued by improving self-love practices


A playful, inspiring website with an easy-to-navigate store page and checkout flow that encourages users to join the community of young women, where transformation and acceptance happens.

High-Fi Wireframes
Final Results


Creating the solution

User Path


Creating the solution

Purchase a Book

Our ultimate goal was to help Kaylie sell more books and build a community. We centered our design around this concept by offering users two main ways to purchase books:

1. Going directly to the store page via the navigation bar

2. Using the CTA button on the homepage

Home Page 1
Home Page 2
Store - Library Format
Store - Gallery Format
Learnings and Reflections

Client work is something I really enjoy. I love bringing someone else’s vision to life. It was challenging at times to balance the client’s desires with the user’s needs, but by simply providing data and designs side-by-side, the client was quickly in agreement with minor design/functionality changes.

If I could go back to the beginning, I would have focused the research more on book sales and less on the market of self-love enthusiasts. I’m glad we got a good idea of the user as a self-love enthusiast, but I would have preferred to get a better idea of our user as an avid reader. I think it would have impacted more of the design decisions

Next Steps
  • Building out the community subscription model

  • Adding merch to the store page

  • Creating the About Kaylie page

Home Page 1
Home Page 2
Book Details
Store - Library Format
Store - Gallery Format
Home Page Feedback

Reprioritize the sections and content:

  • 1st: book CTA

  • 2nd: join the community

  • 3rd: blog posts

Book Details Feedback
  • swap the “buy now” and “add to cart” buttons to give users a stronger sense of autonomy and control

  • add reviews

  • make the details a full page instead of a pop-up module for more breathability

Store Layout Feedback
  • 56% preferred the gallery format

  • more intuitive and familiar

  • not enough books to fill library format

  • longer book titles might get cut off or mess with formatting in the library format

High-Fi Wireframes
Final Results
UI Style Guide

The vision was to create something that felt:

• energetic • playful • fun •


• inspiring • heartfelt • safe


Bringing the solution to life

High-Fi Wireframes


Bringing the solution to life

Purchasing a Book
Home Page
Purchase Summary
Store Page

Client work is something I really enjoy. I love bringing someone else’s vision to life. It was challenging at times to balance the client’s desires with the user’s needs, but by simply providing data and designs side-by-side, the client was quickly in agreement with minor design/functionality changes.

If I could go back to the beginning, I would have focused the research more on book sales and less on the market of self-love enthusiasts. I’m glad we got a good idea of the user as a self-love enthusiast, but I would have preferred to get a better idea of our user as an avid reader. I think it would have impacted more of the design decisions

Updated Home Page
Updated Purchase Summary
Added Shopping Cart Page
Final Results
Purchasing a Book

Increased the rate of efficiency by 23 seconds after implementing usability feedback.


Looking back and looking ahead

Learnings and Reflections

Client work is something I really enjoy. I love bringing someone else’s vision to life. It was challenging at times to balance the client’s desires with the user’s needs, but by simply providing data and designs side-by-side, the client was quickly in agreement with minor design/functionality changes.

If I could go back to the beginning, I would have focused the research more on book sales and less on the market of self-love enthusiasts. I’m glad we got a good idea of the user as a self-love enthusiast, but I would have preferred to get a better idea of our user as an avid reader. I think it would have impacted more of the design decisions

Next Steps
  • Building out the community subscription model

  • Adding merch to the store page

  • Creating the About Kaylie page


Looking back and looking ahead


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